Sunday, February 10, 2019

How to Test Your Spring Soil for Maximum Lawn Growth

So, you want to test your yard's soil? 

The very best grass growers know how essential it is to test the soil for nutrient problems before doing anything else. This one step will make the most of your lawncare investment throughout the rest of the year. 

Get advice on testing your yard's soil from a professional horticulturist:

One of the easiest ways to prevent your lawn from taking over your finances is by taking care of it from day one. YouTube is one of the many resources we use to find the right way to test, modify and monitor our soil. Over the years, we've cut down on our maintenance bills drastically by purchasing less topical care products. Despite using fewer products, we've gotten better results because we match the lawn fertilizer, seed, pesticides and herbicides we use to the problems our lawn really has.

Major topical product manufactures have schedules for lawncare that might not fit with what your yard needs. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars, invest just a handful in having a quality check done of your soil. Better yet, hire a lawncare professional for an initial visit.

You can find affordable lawn care and mower repair options from our growing database of providers.